Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Because Of This Day,

you are here.
With us, with me.
My true love, my one and only.
 So I give thanks for this day and for you.
Happy Birthday, Love.

Monday, July 30, 2012

For My Octo-girl

My radiant girl,
 You are compassionate,
and so happy.
 Lover of octopi, I had to make an octopus cake just for you!
 Happy 7th Birthday, my Abby!
You are a delight!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Road Trip

Early Wednesday morning we took off on our road trip.
Our first stop was Safeco Field, where we could watch our beloved Yankees play.
 We showed up extra early to try to get some autographs.
No luck there, but we had amazing seats over the Yankees dugout. This was Megan and Seth's first major league game ever!
And the Yankees didn't disappoint! Jeter's first at bat resulted in a home run! They won 5-2 in a very exciting game.
After the game, we decided to try the Crab Pot for dinner,
where they suit you for your meal.
They brought us two steaming bowls of seafood, sausage, potatoes and corn that they dumped on our table.
Then you dig right in! heh heh....
It was a super fun trip for the 5 of us!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Fair Results

Last Friday started off bright and early with poultry showmanship.
 Sarah proudly (and nervously) showed her poultry skills and knowledge to the judge. She did great!
 And happily walked away with Champion of first year Juniors.
 Next it was Megan and Seth's turns to compete.
 They had to do things like show how to properly place and remove a chicken from a cage, and answer some very difficult questions.
 Seth won Reserve Champion for the Intermediates,
and Meg won Champion for the Seniors.
 After that, Meg won Grand Champion Showman for all Poultry!
 Then it was time for Rabbit Showmanship. Seth got Sweetpea out and placed her on the table.
 And despite some fierce competition and a tough judge, he won Reserve Champion at the Intermediate level.

There were other fun events at the fair too:
 Hershey was transformed into a cowgirl for the Poultry Costume Contest.
 And Megan won $20 by marketing her chicken in a mock sale.

The kids also won a bunch of other blue ribbons for their animals, Megan won a bunch of awards for her writing and also Reserve Champion for the eggs she entered. Overall, the fair was a wonderful experience. There were rides, fair food, hanging out with friends, sharing their animals, and rewards for their hard work. Who could ask for more?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sitting Still For Pictures?

"That was so 2 months ago!"
"I mean, really? There's so much world to explore!"
 "Ok, if you're REALLY entertaining, I'll sit still for a few seconds..."
 "Did I mention I looooove my feet?"
 "Oooooo look! A button! How can I get that in my mouth?"
 In case you couldn't guess, Anna's 8 months old and growing up so fast! She's belly crawling and talking up a storm. She loves to eat fuzzies off the floor. *groan* She weighs about 16 1/2 pounds and her red curls now hang in her eyes.
 Couldn't you just eat her up?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Off To Fair

Last night we packed up the animals and headed off to the County Fair.
 Megan got her ducks, Dolly, Spryte, and Hershey, all settled in a large cage on the floor. 
 Megan will also be showing her chicken, a Blue Orpington.
 Sarah helped get the chickens put in their cage.
 Seth got his bunny's cage all set-up.
 It was pretty hot last night, but she settled right in.
 Miss Blue even brought her babies! 

The kids will be doing most of their competitive showing on Friday. I can't wait to see how well they do!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Birthday Wishes

My Emily had a birthday on Sunday. I can't believe she's all grown up! As amazing as it is to see my kids grow into amazing adults, somehow I always wish for more kid years...

So far, that wish hasn't been granted and my kids just keep growing up! 
 So instead, I will wish for their happiness. And I pray that God watches over them and guides them in His will. 

I love you, Em! You are amazingly special!

Happy 18th Birthday!
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